Aug 31, 2011
Aug 30, 2011
I will not die an unlived life
"I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit."
Dawna Markova, American renowned educator, researcher, psychotherapist, and author
Dawna Markova, American renowned educator, researcher, psychotherapist, and author
Jul 17, 2011
Things I love about Joburg
Recently I was in (the) Rocklands in the Cedarberg climbing. There is always rivalry between cities. I don't think its a bad thing. We should all love the place we live and think its better than anywhere else. But in this particular instance, a certain Durban boy and an American fellow decided to enjoy a little Joburg bashing.
Sunset over the city...

I was horrified! Poor Joburg, she's always been good to me. I tried to defend her, but it fell on deaf ears. So in her honour, I'm making little lists of things I love about her.
Sunday evenings at the Jolly Rodger... great place to chat up with friends after the weekend.
Sunday mornings at the market on main...

Sources (first picture from here, second and third from me.)
Jul 1, 2011
Home inspiration
Jun 29, 2011
Sad times
I'm having a Hard Time right now.
I know this is a part of life.
I know this too shall pass.
I know...
But its still sad and its still hard
The thing I keep coming back to is how amazing my friends are. How they've offered love, support, wisdom and milkshakes. It's all greatly appreciated.
So expected a few sad blogs but hopefully, rather a lots of blogs about things that cheer me up, things I think are beautiful and things i think are fun(ny).
I know this is a part of life.
I know this too shall pass.
I know...
But its still sad and its still hard
The thing I keep coming back to is how amazing my friends are. How they've offered love, support, wisdom and milkshakes. It's all greatly appreciated.
So expected a few sad blogs but hopefully, rather a lots of blogs about things that cheer me up, things I think are beautiful and things i think are fun(ny).
Jun 14, 2011
Jun 9, 2011
I LOVE this website
I adore this website.
I saw the image below on Cup of Jo and it led me to this great website.

To all my wonderful friends - i thought immediately of you!
May 19, 2011
Meet Skollie
She was rescued as a puppy from a busy road by a caring lady. She was thin and hungry and protecting a piece of paper that she was eating.
She loves cuddles, chasing things and, to make up for being hungry, eating as much as quickly as possible.
I heart her too.
I'm embarrassed but its true...
I like vampire things.
The books are best, but really, let's not pretend here, we're amongst friends. I like it all (except Twilight but that's Bella's fault, not Edward.)
I blame it on watching Buffy the Vampire slayer as an impressionable teen. Don't blame me.
But I want you to at least know that I know it's embarrassing.
That said, I'm not alone. Vampires are huge at the moment.
I've got a theory as to why that may be.
After being alive for well over a hundred years, they must have worked out something about women. Ordinary guys don't have a chance!
I'm still embarrassed though. I should know better.
Do you have any embarrassing admissions?
May 9, 2011
Things that make me happy…
The Foo Fighters
They make me want to dance. Dancing by myself at home – Love it.
Buying wood to make a flower box
DIY stuff – Love it.
Having my brother volunteer to make it for me
Love it even more
A good playlist in a yoga class
Especially one that includes the Red Hot Chilli Peppers -Love it
Having my hair done
Makes me feel good – love it.
Feb 6, 2011
Meet Frank
Meet Frank.

He's a person trapped in the body of a dalmation cross bull mastif. He's a dull mastif.
He loves helping out around the house and bumping things with his nose.
In his spare time he eats herbs, digs holes and plays with his best friend Skollie.
I heart him.
Getting ready to go Bad Ass
I'm getting ready to go bad ass.
(American Bad Ass, not South African Bad Arse. Same same but different)
Its not easy. I've got to psyche myself up for it. I often feel bad, before-during-after.
But its also necessary. Sometimes you have to tell people uncomfortable stuff in an appropriate way.
Especially at work.
For a long time I couldn't do this. For a long time I was scared. Of what you ask?
a. People not liking me.
b. Being perceived as mean/a bitch/uncaring
c. Uncomfortable conversations
d. ALL of the above
Definitely D.
Now I'm just a little less D, just enough to actually do it. And luckily life gives you lots of chances to practice politely and firmly telling people 'that's not okay'.
I call it going Bad Ass.
Oh yeah - that's me.
Pps - I have a cowboy thing.
Ppps - you can work it out. Clint Eastwood + cowboys...

(American Bad Ass, not South African Bad Arse. Same same but different)
Its not easy. I've got to psyche myself up for it. I often feel bad, before-during-after.
But its also necessary. Sometimes you have to tell people uncomfortable stuff in an appropriate way.
Especially at work.
For a long time I couldn't do this. For a long time I was scared. Of what you ask?
a. People not liking me.
b. Being perceived as mean/a bitch/uncaring
c. Uncomfortable conversations
d. ALL of the above
Definitely D.
Now I'm just a little less D, just enough to actually do it. And luckily life gives you lots of chances to practice politely and firmly telling people 'that's not okay'.
I call it going Bad Ass.
Oh yeah - that's me.

Ps - I have a Clint Eastwood thing. I'm sorry but it's true.Pps - I have a cowboy thing.
Ppps - you can work it out. Clint Eastwood + cowboys...
The glamourous life of an accountant
I tell you, the financials don't make themselves.

Here are the pictures of the team I work for/with as we worked this weekend. They weren't overly keen about me taking pictures of them, but I think that was just modesty, not irritation (nudge nudge wink wink).
I both despise and love working on the weekend.
Despise it, because hello, it's working on the weekend. Instead of being outside, I'm in an enormous office where I can't even open a window.
But the strange part is, I also love it.
There is a strong team feeling. The offices are empty. We get to park in the directors' parking lot. I can wear casual clothes ( I LOVE casual clothes. HATE office clothes. Just so you know).
Sometimes I don't even wear shoes at my desk.
And bestest of all - no interruptions.
Except that its Saturday.
I'm very excited about my first post. I've thought long and hard about it.
I need something that sets the tone. Establishes me as both wise and witty.
Something that packs a punch.Or something else equally cheesy..

You may have to look closely - but it says 'Bankers are Wankers'
Too good.
Ps - I work in a bank
I need something that sets the tone. Establishes me as both wise and witty.
Something that packs a punch.Or something else equally cheesy..
The too...much...
Um.... howabout a picture I took in traffic the other dayYou may have to look closely - but it says 'Bankers are Wankers'
Too good.
Ps - I work in a bank
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